Cancer, A Psychological Perspective
Mar 21, 2024
Cancer is the most feared disease amongst humans right now. A cancer diagnosis brings terror and a feeling of immediate death. We have images of sick looking people, with no hair and a gray aura around them lying in a hospital bed with an IV being fed Chemo, one of the nastiest drugs known to man. We have been fed terrifying images and have been told that we must “kill cancer” and that humanity is at “war” with cancer because cancer is our enemy. In the oncology field doctors say you must “slash, burn, and poison” cancer cells because cancer grows and grows and nothing can stop it. We must listen to what the doctor says, “the authority” and be a victim and lose our power to the juggernaut medical industry and pharmaceutical companies that care only about money. We are only numbers to them. Cancer has certainly been defined as a death sentence in our society.
We cannot continue to interact with cancer like this anymore. According to the National Cancer Institute as of February 2022, “Men have a one in two chance of being diagnosed with cancer in their lifetimes; for women, the chance is one in three.” That’s almost half of the 8 billion people on this planet. This is a staggering amount and something must be done. This is not a disease of the elderly population. It doesn’t matter anymore what age you are. You can get it anytime. The question we need to be asking is WHY? Why is this happening? Why are so many people getting diseases, and especially cancer? The answers clearly lie in what’s happening in our modern technological society. The soil, water, and food is toxic and permeated in chemicals, like glyphosate (round up). We are on the screens all the time bound to the computers, phones, wifi, and constantly getting EMR exposure and are inside 80% of the time, which alters our energy systems. Humans are more disconnected now than ever to spiritual practices and the divine. We are not connected to nature, but bound to our jobs and the grind, going to work day in and day out in a perpetual state of flight or fight. We are fed horror and fear in the media, giving people the feeling that our world is coming to an end and that our future on this planet is laden with death and destruction. There is negativity, hate, and fear around every corner and crevice of our minds which in turn becomes dense emotions. CLEARLY, it makes sense that people are getting sick. We are in this perpetual state of fear. This imbalance of the physical, emotional, and spiritual makes the body ripe for creating a disease.
We have to free ourselves from the chains of the past and heal our planet, the collective consciousness of humans, and our bodies. Clearly, this calls us to break away from being the victim of our society and step into our own power. We are far more powerful than what we can imagine and we can heal, make a difference, and help those along the way. This is a call for a radical shift in thought and action. Bruce Lipton states that our “thoughts become our reality.” What we think and what we are exposed to affects the biological structure of our bodies. Our thoughts have that much power, however we have been pre-programed since conception to act and feel a certain way based on our parent’s' interaction with us, the environment, and the outside experiences we encountered. A “reprogramming” in the mind needs to occur to heal. Healing takes work, discipline, dedication, forgiveness, and love of the self. It is a journey that you are called to walk. A message from your soul that you have become so disconnected to the life force that it’s time to “wake up.” Balance in the system must be re-established. As we heal ourselves, we also heal the Earth, and the generations of the past and the future. It is imperative to try and not give up. We must remember who we are, and why we are here, so that we can fulfill our soul contracts. It’s time to Power Up and do the healing work, so that we can all create a better future for our children’s children…