Aug 21, 2024
Are you bound and chained by the ego? You have the power to make your own decisions from your highest self or the super consciousness. Stop letting the ego decide for you. You need it, but you don’t. The ego is the personality of your body, not the divine intelligence of your highest self. The ego is the monkey mind that helps us survive. In order to survive, we must think of many things at once and then act upon those things. Thoughts stream in one after another, moving from one thing to the next. The ego takes over, and as we move through our survival skills needing to protect our biological bodies, we become bound to the ego's will. When we are in true balance, the ego takes a back seat to the super consciousness within each and everyone of us and it allows our higher selves to flow.
If we need the ego, we can draw upon it, if not it stays at rest. Unfortunately, this is not what is happening in our society. The egos have taken over and have bound us to this 3rd density reality of analytical thinking and computing. All left brain thinking. We have forgotten to trust our intuition and live in the present moment, right brain thinking. When we are in the present moment, the ego is not in control. Our higher self comes forth and does not judge, criticize, or accuse. The higher self is just, and views the world around us like a witness observing without any reaction. The ego can trap us in the past, which causes depression, or in the future which causes anxiety. Both past and future DO NOT exist. The ONLY thing that exists is the NOW, the omnipotent present, where all time past, present, and future stream into one. When we can get into the flow state or higher self state, anything is possible. Don’t you want to live this way? I know I do.
Steps to getting out of the Ego
If your mind is racing and you can’t stop thinking, and have depression, or anxiety; these are steps to help get your ego in control.
- Meditate- Bring your body to the present moment time and time again.
- Let your thoughts float by like clouds.
- Do your 1 minute deep diaphragmatic breathing
- Move the body…jump rope, jumping jacks, plank, surya namaskar for 1-2 minutes non stop.
- Get OFF the screen.
- Go outside in nature for a cleanse and reset.
- Purge your thoughts by writing them down in your journal
- Purge your thoughts by drawing or painting what you feel
- Do something you love that does not involve any screen
- Pet an animal for 3 minutes.
These practices help rewire and retrain the brain to get out of a fight or flight state and into a state of relaxation and expansion. Then our ego can step aside when it relaxes, and our higher mind can come forth and be its divine self.