Emotion, Energy = Motion, Our True Super Power
Jun 30, 2024
The Power of Emotion
“What you think, you become.” Gautama Buddha
Emotion is energy in motion. Energy=Motion. What is emotion? Emotion is hard to define and to quantify. Emotions stem from a combination of our thoughts which transfer into hormones, which then induce feelings in the body. Emotions are a bunch of chemicals that are released in the body that give our 3rd density reality some spice. It’s crazy that some of these hormones help us experience emotions in the body: dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, estrogen, testosterone, endorphins, norepinephrine, and vasopressin. These chemicals are responsible for giving us an experience to feel, attach, and attract which will then make us happy, sad, angry, excited, or depressed to name a few. What’s even more interesting, is that these emotions stem originally from a thought, and then this thought triggers a reaction and “feeling” in the body. Emotions are a gamut of thoughts which get converted into feelings that we experience all the time that are triggered by a reaction from either an outside event, or an internal reaction.
In the Merriam Webster Dictionary, Emotion is a noun and is defined as
“A conscious mental reaction (such as anger or fear) subjectively experienced as a strong feeling usually directed toward a specific object and typically accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes in the body. b. : a state of feeling. c. : the affective aspect of consciousness : feeling.”
It literally states that emotions are the “affective aspect of consciousness” which translate into a feeling within the human or animal experience. I believe emotions are more powerful than this definition. Hormones, which are chemical emotions, can affect brain wave patterns and function. The emotions are triggering and affecting our brain wave patterns, which then in turn affect our subtle bodies: physical, etheric, emotional, mental, astral, soul, and universal bodies.
Emotion is an expression of consciousness that “feels” physically, mentally, and spiritually. Emotions are literally our super power! Emotion is the force of energy within an entity that is activated by thought in the 2nd or 3rd density that is then activated by a chemical reaction within the body complex due the body being reactive to the environment either internally or outside if itself. Emotions will get stuck in our “bodies” and this includes all of the 7 bodies of consciousness for our current reality if we do not release them properly. Any trauma event which creates a heightened level of emotion, can get stuck. The area in the body that is weak during this trauma event will become triggered and “stuck” in a certain incoherent vibrational geometric pattern within the emotional body. This incoherent vibration can crystallize in its vibrational wave pattern, which will cause the energy not to flow fluidly. Due to this incoherence and continued repetitive thoughts over and over again, this will crystalize the trauma vibrational wave pattern in the emotional body. This incoherent vibrational wave pattern will trickle down through the subtle bodies which are the mental, etheric, and into the physical. This incoherent wave will cause the cells to be confused and misaligned with the signals that they are getting. The cells will not be able to divide or communicate with each other properly. Groups of cells that are out of alignment and not in the proper natural flow with a constant miscommunication from the wave patterns and frequency from the emotional subtle body will literally cause disease. The original trauma event if it was released properly is an imprint within the system. The stuck emotion in the subtle body, will actually create disease. True healing occurs when we release trapped emotions that are lodged in our subtle bodies. Everything is connected. Just because we don’t see our subtle bodies doesn’t mean they aren't there. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience. We are energy beings and we need to start reframing our way of thinking about what physicality really is.
It is focused attention with a combination of a strong emotion that heals and creates massive shifts and changes both physiologically and within our subtle bodies. Emotions are used for survival of the physical form, and they are the catalyst to bring about quick change. Emotions are powerful and we are meant to experience the full gamment, so that we can create change upon this planet. Emotions can cause all sorts of issues though. People can get stuck in their emotions and can project emotions on others causing trauma and pain. Carolyn Myss calls this “woundology.” Our society does not know how to express emotions in a healthy way due to manipulated pre-programmed reality constructs from society and family. Now we have an exuberant amount of disinformation online. Having access to all of this knowledge is absolutely amazing, but it is also an achilles heel. Humans are so easily manipulated and triggered by pre-programming mis-information. This confuses people and they are getting caught up in lies and other people's lives, which is causing mass confusion, hysteria, and uncertainty. Any emotion that is projected out has an effect upon people. The vibrations of the emotion affect living systems in a negative or positive way.
Emotions have enough power to create disease or to heal the disease. By suppressing emotions, an entity can create a disease associated with that emotion, which then in turn gets trapped in the emotional subtle body. Suppressing emotions creates all sorts of mental and physical disorders. The key to healing is to learn how to process these emotions so that they release and don’t get stuck in the body.
The question is HOW do we balance our emotions consistently? We know that our thoughts create our reality. If we change our thoughts, then we change our reality. If we change our thoughts, then we can change our emotions. If we change our emotions, then can we change the structure of our subtle bodies. If we change our subtle bodies, and the sacred geometric structure that they embody by becoming coherent, then we can heal. Joe Dispenza’s work through Unlimited goes deep into the “formula” he created and steps to rewire and restructure our energy system by changing our brain wave patterns. Specific meditations and retraining the body to get out of a flight or flight repeat loop creates an upgrade in the brain, which in turn creates an upgrade to the whole system. Retraining the body through specific actions and consistent practice, and teaching the brain to calm down to create specific brain waves, which in turn will signal the body to heal. Focused meditation with a heightened emotion can literally do this. There have been countless miraculous healings that have occurred by this method. Going back to what I said earlier in the article, that emotion is energy in motion fascinated me how powerful emotion is. If we can reprogram ourselves to interact in healthy emotional ways in our families, communities, and within society on a large scale, I do believe miraculous things will happen for humanity. I’m tired of being trapped by negative emotions and dense feelings. I don’t want to be controlled, and I know humans can heal with our super power emotions. I want to be joyful and happy. Don’t you?