Go Outside in Nature and Reset Your Body and Mind
Apr 04, 2024
Our technological society has forced us inside and we would prefer to connect to a machine rather than the forest or the ocean. We have forgotten where we come from and who we are. This huge transformation has occurred within the last 100 years due to the industrial revolution. This separation from the Earth, the natural light, soil, plants, food, trees, and water is making our biological bodies sick. For example, a survey done in 2017 by The Conversation stated that, “48 percent of Americans say they never or rarely seek information about where their food was grown or how it was produced.” This is a staggering amount of people and completely unacceptable. Our modern society has completely disconnected us from the natural environment and connection to the food that we eat. No wonder why people are getting sick and confused about why they have heart disease, cancer, autoimmune, or diabetes. They think that buying processed food is normal and natural. This is not necessarily their fault, but it is the fault of the corporations making a huge profit off of these people and their ignorance. We need to connect to our food and to nature.
Nature rebalances our biorhythms and helps us feel whole. There is an energetic connection and re-synchronization that occurs when we connect to the outside world when we are in a forest or at the beach. This natural sync is in connection with the Earth's energy system and magnetism which is in conjunction with ours. Our energy bodies naturally align to these forces in nature without having to do too much besides being present in the now. This natural Earth bathing allows an alignment of the chakras, which then allows the body to re-balance from unnatural behavior caused by our current global civilization.
Sun bathing, forest bathing, ocean bathing, and earthing are all wonderful ways to get back to nature. Walk the dog, pet the cat, hold the bearded dragon. Connect to the animals, watch the birds, enjoy the beautiful blue sky, or walk in a park. The best thing to do is to just go outside no matter where you live.