Some Helpful Steps to Take After a Cancer Diagnosis
Jun 04, 2024
You will always know when something is off and not right in your body. TRUST your intuition and don’t wait until the last minute to seek help. People have been programmed to go to the doctor, get the diagnosis from the doctor, and be told by the doctor what they must do. Unfortunately, most of the time a doctor says something to the patient which creates utter fear in the patient and then this sets the stage for the healing process. What we think and believe we become. Our thoughts have immense power and YOU have time to make the best decision for you. This has made us victims and we have lost our own connection and trust in our bodies, and have given power to the authorities. Everyone has a range of comfort and this is fine, but you need to know that there are options and you have time to decide what to do. Time is always on your side even though I know you might not feel that way when you get diagnosed.
Steps to consider when you get diagnosed
You feel like something has been ripped open in your whole being when you get diagnosed. Like a part of you is gone and died. It is best to break up the steps physically, emotionally, and spiritually. When you do this, the fear will settle and you will become more centered about what you need to do.
YOU HAVE TIME! Take a deep breath and relax. You are OK, and you are safe. You have time to make informed decisions that will benefit you and your healing journey.
- Get your pathology report. Find out exactly what type of cancer you have.
- Look up Nasha Winters “Ten questions to ask your Oncologist”
- Get these books, and go to their websites
- “The Metabolic Approach to Cancer” by Dr. Nasha Winters, ND, L.Ac., FABNO, Jess Higgnis Kelley, MNT
- “Radical Remission” by Kelly Turner
- “Biology of Belief” by Bruce Lipton
- “Supernatural” by Joe Dispenza
- Got to
- They have massive amounts of information that can help you along your way.
- Check out Nathan Cranes Healing Life, Your partner in Health
- Here you will find a wonderful amount of resources and videos. Please join the club
- Find an integrative/naturopathic oncologist. There are many of them in the resources above.
- Get a Cancer Coach. They can help guide you through this difficult time while you navigate and decide what your options are.
Remember you have options and you have time. Do not be pressured into chemo, surgery, or radiation until you do your research and get more answers. You have the power inside yourself to make the best decision for you and your path to heal.
- Breathe, cry, question, breathe deeply some more….. to settle the mind and body down.
- Call your closest companion, spouse, partner, someone in your family, or friends and talk to them.
- Ask for help, have them hug you and get support physically from them.
- Write down everything you are feeling in your journal.
- Write poems, and draw symbols. Pour your emotions out on paper.
- Go for a walk outside. Talk about the clouds and the sky. Focus your mind on the birds and the animals. Tell yourself to focus on what's around you in the present moment. You will have to make yourself, since the fear will have a hold on you.
- Move your body, sit in the sun, relax the mind and the body.
- Do some gentle yoga to get the mind out of the body.
- Go to the beach, river, lake. Walk around and connect to the water which has healing power
- Go to the forest, or a spot out in nature in your area and allow your being to bathe in nature to reset itself.
- PRAY whether you believe in god or not. It doesn’t matter. The act of praying aloud creates certain vibrations and frequencies that have an effect on your body's energy system. Sound itself can heal.
- SET the intention that you are going to HEAL, and stick with it, believe it, write it down. Feel it in your being. You are far greater than you know.
- Create an altar and sacred space. Put your favorite stones, candles, or any sentimental object that you have on the altar. Write your intention and put there as well.
- Get a meditation pillow, and MEDITATE. Try my 3 sets of 7 breaths.This will help get you out of beta brainwaves and into the alpha brain waves which calm your anxiety. This gets you out of your head and into the body.
- Repeat this over and over again…. Write it down and post it somewhere. Kahil Gibran’s famous quote is, “You are far far greater than you know and all is well.” Another wonderful saying is Master Mingtong’s saying from the Chi Center “Hoala, All is well and getting better.”
Remember that this is a guide to help you and not set in stone. You will need to do what is best for you. The key is to open your mind to really look at all possibilities in a state of calm and not fear. Also, you need to know that you are not alone, you are loved, and you have support. Support is always here. If you feel like you need a coach or spiritual guide, you can contact me for a free discovery call.