We need to Live Our Passions, Your Reality and Experience Matters
Sep 21, 2024
Bashar, a 6th dimensional being that channels though Darryl Anka, says that our purpose is to “live and be our passion” as we “experience” this reality. Our soul collects these experiences to bring back to the source. Hence, this is how we evolve and grow. If our everyday life and job is not a reflection of this passionate reality that we all should be living, then most of us will feel stuck. Unfortunately, most of us do feel stuck because we are totally clueless about what our passions are or we are too scared to lose the comfort of our everyday lives to live our passion.
How do we find our passion to live the most exuberant life? The mundane day to day is a repetitive cycle and a spark killer. Most of us are just trying to survive to pay the bills, have a roof over our head, and to put the food on the table. It’s day in and day out doing the same thing over and over again, and it’s boring.
How do we change?
- Recognize that your life is on repeat
- Write down a list of things that you love
- ASK questions, ask the divine, ask the unseen to guide you.
- Be real with yourself, do you want to change? Do you want to heal? Do you want to live your truth? If not, then go back to repeat. This is serious.
- Make a choice and commit that you want to change. This is not for the wishy washy.
- Start doing what you love no matter what, and little by little you will evolve and synchronicities will start coming to you.
- What does your heart tell you? Follow what your heart tells you.
- Follow your intuition. It is never wrong
- STOP over thinking. Take Action. Take the risk to do something you love.
- Try to find that child like curiosity within yourself
We need to remember our lives matter, and we are here for a reason. We are here to experience, so if you want change and you're bored, then you have to take a leap of faith and go after your passion or things that make you happy and feel alive. Guidance is always here along the way both seen and unseen.