Work With Me.
Let's Begin Your Journey.
“Thoughts create our reality. Change your thoughts, change your reality.”
Introductory 90-Minute Session
Schedule a 90-minute introductory discovery call in which we'll discuss what you want and need. For example, if you are looking for Quantum Message Analysis or Spiritual Guidance, I can help guide you along your path.
If you are looking for Cancer Support, there will be a different protocol to follow...
We will focus on the deeper layers of healing that you need and will guide you to return to your own internal power and awakening to your divine self after a plan as been established in this call.
In this discovery call, we'll explore your needs and determine what works best for you.
- Guided Resources for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual guidance
- Learning your story, and the type of healing you are looking for and or guidance
- Developing a plan and making a commitment to healing
- Dream Interpretation
- Quantum Messages Analysis
90 min: $165h
4 Sessions
Commit to your healing journey by meeting one hour a week in zoom.
If you want cancer support, we can go over your diagnosis and any information you have compiled so that I can help guide you along your path.
(The protocol for cancer support is very specific)
If you are looking for spiritual guidance, we can work on your path and how to deepen your spiritual connection to the unseen realms and how to understand the quantum messages you are receiving,
- Guided resources for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual support
- Shadow work, and finding out the root problem
- Shedding the layers of the shadow self
- Learning different tools to mitigate set pre-programmed behaviors and how to change them
- Guided meditation work and training
- Heart Coherence Reset
- Guided imagery, dream interpretation, and archetypal symbolism
- Art Therapy
- Energy Healing
- Channeled messages coming from the quantum
- Use of tarot and 13 moons to dive deep into unknown symbolic and subconscious realities to get unseen answers
- Making a deep commitment to healing
- Saying YES to healing
4 Sessions: $580, $145h
Mother Earth and all of her Beings, the Elders, Star Nation
I want to recognize and honor my family and heritage, The Ministry of Walking Prayer, The Center of Sacred Studies, Kayumari, The Fountain, and my elders and spiritual directors Jyoti Ma and Darlene for guiding me along this journey among the stars on our beautiful Mother Earth.
I give great thanks to all of the of the knowledge that has come forth and has been presented and passed down to humanity through time. We are meant to remember who we are and why we are here. I give great thanks to the beings seen and unseen who have guided ALL of us along this journey. I give great thanks to the Law of One.

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