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Your Thoughts Create Your Reality. Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Reality Jul 25, 2024


“Everything that has already been thought of, has already been done.” Ani Sophene


Your beliefs become your thoughts

Your thoughts become your words

Your words become your actions

Your actions become your habits 

Your habits become your values

Your values become your destiny. 


-Mahatma Gandhi-


          This concept is a jewel for all forms of healing. Everything that we think creates our reality, literally.  All of our thoughts are programs that have been imprinted upon us fr...

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Emotion, Energy = Motion, Our True Super Power Jun 30, 2024

The Power of Emotion 


“What you think, you become.” Gautama Buddha


Emotion is energy in motion. Energy=Motion. What is emotion? Emotion is hard to define and to quantify. Emotions stem from a combination of our thoughts which transfer into hormones, which then induce feelings in the body. Emotions are a bunch of chemicals that are released in the body that give our 3rd density reality some spice. It’s crazy that some of these hormones help us experience emotions in the body: dopamine, se...

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Some Helpful Steps to Take After a Cancer Diagnosis Jun 04, 2024

       You will always know when something is off and not right in your body. TRUST your intuition and don’t wait until the last minute to seek help. People have been programmed to go to the doctor, get the diagnosis from the doctor, and be told by the doctor what they must do. Unfortunately, most of the time a doctor says something to the patient which creates utter fear in the patient and then this sets the stage for the healing process. What we think and believe we become. Our thoughts have i...

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A Way to Remember - Using Poetry to Make Soul Connections May 21, 2024

Life Desiring to Experience in the Cosmos


Life abounds in the cosmic primordial sea, the womb of the universe

Beating, breathing, desiring 

Rupturing with life

There are no limits 

Life will prevail 

We will remember 

Our Divine Nature

        We are bound to the cycles of time and karma on this dense planet to learn and to feel emotion. Emotion is creativity in its raw state. This is what Mother Earth is experiencing. She is our flesh and bones, our bodies. We come here to learn, to ...

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The Emotional and Quantum Side to Healing Cancer Apr 30, 2024

      Cancer is not a disease that we must eradicate, kill, and fight against. It is a disease that must be loved, nurtured, and cared for. We get cancer because we have lost so much of our connection to living and the “life force” through repressed and continual fear, hate, anger, loathing, disgust, and betrayal by circumstance, that our bodies lose the higher vibrations and become more and more dense with fear and anger. This density is cancer. The cancer cells become confused and replicate in...

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Go Outside in Nature and Reset Your Body and Mind Apr 04, 2024

      Our technological society has forced us inside and we would prefer to connect to a machine rather than the forest or the ocean. We have forgotten where we come from and who we are. This huge transformation has occurred within the last 100 years due to the industrial revolution. This separation from the Earth, the natural light, soil, plants, food, trees, and water is making our biological bodies sick. For example, a survey done in 2017 by The Conversation stated that,48 percent of Americ...

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